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Banff 2019 Roadtrip

Writer: Alyssa RussellAlyssa Russell

Updated: Oct 15, 2021

Cody and I just found out I was pregnant, so this was a very special trip for the two of us, as I believe this was our last big trip before. We went in mid-July and had no real plans just a few destinations we wanted to cross off. In this blog we will cover:

Wapta Falls, Yoho National Park

Vermillion Lakes, Banff

Lake Louise, Banff

Lake Agnes Tea House, Banff

Little & Big Beehive, Banff

Devils Thumb, Banff

Mirror Lake, Banff

Takakkaw Falls, Yoho

Natural Bridge, Yoho

Morraine Lake, Banff

Peyto Lake, Banff

Bow Lake, Banff

Johnson Canyon, Banff

Bow Falls, Banff

Tunnel Mountain, Banff

Emerald Lake, Yoho

Bear Falls, Glacier National Park

Sicamous Lookout, Sicamous

Ladner Creek, Fraser Valley

Othello Tunnels, Coquihalla

Drive towards Banff

Our first stop was in the Yoho National Park, Wapta Falls. We decided to stop as it was only 4.8km in total. The view was amazing, a tad steep to where we went for photos but you could feel the falls mist from far away. I believe further down looking head-on towards the falls is a camping spot or rec site as well. (Wapta Falls Rec Site.)

Wapta Falls

Being that we only had 4 nights and 5 days, we wanted to fit in as much as we could. Our next stop was right before heading into Banff, Vermillion Lakes. We car-camped here, although your not suppose to. Technically we didn't even have a park pass. You should make sure to grab one before your trip, you can purchase them here. We got lucky and nobody asked to see one. We stopped at the big Banff sign and took some photos. We walked around Vermillion and saw a breathtaking view of Mt. Rundle. That night we also had dinner right at that picnic area by Vermillion and took a stroll to check out the Banff Ave Brew Co. Since I was pregnant I had to watch Cody taste the beer. (How fun lol.)

Vermillion Lakes

We went to bed pretty early because we were getting up early around 6am to be at Lake Louise by 7am. The parking lot was full and we had to make our own parking spot. Crazy for 7am. This was a bigger day for us as we wanted to do, Lake Agnes, the Tea House, Big & Little Beehive and Devils Thumb. The trail heading up to the tea house wasn't too busy at this hour. Our first stop up to Lake Agnes was Mirror Lake.

Mirror Lake

Took us just under 2 hours with stops for photos to Lake Agnes & Tea House. This place was super cool. A definite must-see if you're in this area. I can't believe some of the staff hike up here everyday. After sitting enjoying the view we left and started hiking up towards Devils Thumb. Took us just over an hour from Lake Agnes. We were cruising, this was a steep grade up and a few times I just imagined myself tumbling down like a rock. We helped guide a group up that lost their tracks. We spent quite some time up here admiring Lake Agnes, Lake Louise and several mountains. You could even see the ski resort.

We went back down to check out Little & Big Beehive. From Devils Thumb it was about an hour. This hike is a lot more popular and where most people cap it at. Stunning views of the infamous Lake Louise. It was about 1230pm, and we headed back down. We got back to Lake Louise for some photos and it took us about an hour and a half from Big Beehive.

We had lunch at the truck once again at the Lake Louise Sport and Rec Center, and went to check out Takakkaw Falls. Had we planned this out better, there wouldn’t have been so much back and fourth. The falls were stunning and only a short 1.3km walk. We came back down the road and stumbled across this milky river and falls. A roadside gem.

It was about 630pm, and we still had some daylight. We checked off Morraine Lake. Being that it was a bit later, it was still really busy, but we were able to find parking. I still couldn’t believe how many people were there. It’s such a beautiful place. I can’t wait to tick some of the hiking around this Lake one day. We went back to the same spot to car-camp. We brought a tent to potentially camp but we wanted to save whatever money for other things. This way we could just get up and go.

Next morning we drove out bright and early for Peyto Lake. We got to the viewpoint at 830am and nobody was around. It was perfect. We decided to hike to the Bow Summit which was around 6.6km. From the Peyto Lookout it was only another 30 minutes. Worth the extra few steps. We saw a mountain goat around this area. Once we left crowds started coming, I’m glad we got there when we did.

Around noon, we checked out the Johnson Caynon Trail. We stopped at the Upper Falls, which I heard if you go further to the InkPots they are worth going the extra distance. We were happy enough with our day so far, so we stopped there. This trail was certainly busy and crowded and lots of times we had to wait. I’m still glad I crossed it off my list. Can’t say it would be one I would do again though. This trail was about 5km and took us about 2 hours. I wanted to get a shot of the waterfall in there but it’s blocked off now and you can pay pretty hefty fines if you do. Social media, (sigh.)

After dinner, (Magpie & Stump.) great margaritas! We walked downtown to Bow Falls, rager! Called it a night went back to Vermillion and car-camped again. In the morning we finally got told, to not camp as there was a very obvious camper van that was staying overnight too. This was the last night we stayed there. We headed out to do Tunnel Mountain. This was a great little 4.5km hike to do in the AM. Great views of Rundle and the town of Banff. Lots of locals do this one daily. After this I believe we stopped at Sally Borden Fitness & Recreation to shower and hang in the pool as it was quite rainy.

After, we stopped to see Emerald Lake as well as Natural Bridge. Unfortunately I didn’t get to see much of a view at Emerald as it was pretty rainy. Still really lovely. The water is so green!

Stopping at Natural Bridge was super cool, crazy what the earth can do! It was 1230pm and we started to head out. We passed a small lake that had a picnic area for lunch and made hot dogs. It was actually really pretty there. Can’t remember the name. We passed Bear Creek Falls for a short walk to stretch our legs in the Glacier National Park. Another little detour to Sicamous Lookout.

Cody was in a bad mood driving up a mountain, the things he does for me. He quickly snapped out of it when we got to this view.

Hang-gliders come here, and locals for a local blaze spot. It’s no wonder it’s a pretty beautiful spot. You do have to drive up a logging road, I saw cars but I would recommend having something with higher clearance. It’s pretty well maintained however.

I believe we stayed at a local motel in Kamloops for the last night. We laughed because it was the most ghetto room, with blood on the wall. Legit lol. We got up and drove to the Ladner Creek Trestle & Othello Tunnels. Since this was on our way we wanted to check it out and stretch our legs. Ladner Creek had been on my list for awhile. We ran into a grizzly and two Cubs, I was determined to go and proceeded with our small hike. Probably not the best idea. But it was pretty cool to see the trestle. We were the only ones here.

The Othello Tunnels were cool, touristy spot for sure but a nice 1.8km walk in the Fraser Valley. It was around 230pm and we drove the last 188km which was 2 hours to get on the Horseshoe Ferry. It was a lot in those few days but a trip I’ll never forget.


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